Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cover Letter for Administrative Assistant

This post contains examples of a cover letter for administrative assistant. We also provide important tips that you need to keep in mind when writing your cover letter. If you would like additional cover letter examples, please let us know:

Here are some tips to help you in preparing your cover letter.

In applying for the Administrative Assistant position, or any position for that matter, you need to remember some helpful details that would assure you to get to the next step. A resume should first be sent to prospective employers and a cover letter introduces and even sums up that resume. It is therefore very important to make that cover letter concise but complete, clear yet interesting, direct to the point, without grammar or punctuation mistakes, professionally formatted, neat and with relevant contents. It would be good advice to research and talk about the company you are applying in the cover letter. An Administrative Assistant should be organized and you should be able to reflect that in you cover letter, for starters. The content of your cover letter speaks much about you and this could decide the future of your application. Remember that the next step in getting that position is when you get called for an interview. The employer has only that cover letter and your resume to base on before they decide if you are worth interviewing.

So how do you know what to write in that cover letter? You may want to be creative and do it by yourself or you may do one of the easiest ways available ? surf the net! The internet is over-flowing with guidelines, tips, techniques, samples, formats, templates and anything else it may take to get you that position. Administrative Assistant cover letter samples are readily available with just a click of the keyboard. You may choose from hundreds of templates and different writing formats that would suit your taste. All you need to do is just replace the information with your own data.

Here is an example cover letter for a potential Administrative Assistant. Note that it is catchy, professional, straightforward, one page, highlights her strengths and how they will benefit the employer.


(Name of Hiring Authority, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)

Dear (Mr. or Ms.)(Last Name):

I read your advertisement for an Administrative Assistant with great interest and enthusiasm, as my skills and qualifications match your requirements for this position. Therefore, I am submitting my résumé for your review and consideration. Please allow me to explain briefly the contribution I would make with your organization.

Throughout my 20+-year career as an administrative assistant, I have demonstrated proficiency in all core office administration functions, including document preparation, internal/external communications, data and records management, meeting scheduling, and task prioritization. In short, I can manage the office without supervision, juggle multiple tasks effectively, and maintain confidentiality with highly sensitive materials and matters.

In addition, I have experience in supervising staff and working with high net worth clients, both of which require extra attention to the “people management” side of business. Through successfully managing both internal and external relationships, I have accelerated the achievement of goals and positioned myself as a valuable resource in a variety of situations.

I would bring to your district not only these administrative skills, but also a positive, cooperative attitude that I have displayed throughout my career. I maintain calm under pressure and adapt to meet the unique needs of each organization.

Again, my résumé will detail the required skills and background you seek. I would welcome the opportunity for an interview at your convenience, and I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Jimmi Carter


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