Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Five Strategies to Create A Killer Cover Letter

A cover letter is the first impression you make on the employer and shows how well you communicate in writing. Use these five strategies to create cover letters that will earn you a spot in the "Yes! Call for a Job Interview" pile.
  1. First of all, spend a bit of time researching the company. Figure out WHY you want to work with them and most importantly, why hiring you will benefit them. Are you a great team-player? Did you increase sales at your last company? Tell them, SPECIFICALLY, how you will help their organization and why you think you're a great match.
  2. Be personal. Make sure to address your letter to a real, live person. If you can avoid it, DO NOT send your letter and resume to the "Hiring Manager." If you don't have a name or contact, CALL the company and ask who's in charge of reviewing applications for the position you want.
  3. Be concise. An ideal cover letter consists of 4-5 short paragraphs. Use one paragraph to tell a story of a past success, but don't ramble.
  4. Read the job description, paying particular attention to industry lingo and buzzwords. Use the same language in your letter. Hiring managers take time to write accurate job descriptions because they know what they need. Make sure your cover letter (and resume) tells them how you'll fill that need.
  5. Finally, make sure your resume and cover letter work together. Use your cover letter to highlight the most important elements in your resume...but do so in a personal, this-is-who-I-am-and-how-I-can-help-you manner.
Be careful! most painfully typical resume and cover letter samples can kill your job hunt, Jimmy Sweeney's cover letter book teaches you how to write a professional letter. Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator."

Visit Jimmy on the web right now at for your 'instant' cover letter today.

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